
Srah castle is a 65 feet (20 meters) high, four storey tower house built in 1588 by John Brisco from Cumberland, an Elizabethan Officer, Lord of Crofton, and his wife Eleanor Kearney, for defensive reasons, as proved by the presence of bartizan, battlements, a murder hole above the doorway, machicolation and embrasures [1-4].
The castle suffered major damage during the Cromwellian war, around 1650 [1-3]. Even if the interior of the castle is largely battered, the visitor can still spot a few steps of the spiral stairs connecting the ground floor to the higher levels, a fireplace and the garderobe [2].
Today the Castle remains stand on the North bank of the late 18th century Grand Canal which stretches from Dublin all the way to the Shannon River in the West and can be reached after a pleasant walk [1, 3].
Although it was difficult to find more details on this castle, we really enjoyed visiting it and we felt how its walls are still steeped in history.