
Beside the fact that it is difficult to find reliable information on this castle, we noticed that there is a bit of ambiguity about its name, which is reported in different ways depending on the source. Here, we will refer to [1], where it is named Castlerea Tower House, to distinguish it from the nearby Mornin Castle, also located in Moydow, County Longford.
For the last 100 years, Castlerea belongs to the Higgins family [1]. It is positioned on a slightly elevated ground, to offer a wide view over the local territory for defensive reasons. It is a 4 storey tower house, probably dating back to the 15th century and was built by the powerful O’Farrell clan [2] and it has an arched entrance on the right side, above which there is a murder hole [1], located inside the castle.
In case you have more information about this beautiful castle... Please, contact us! We would be delighted if you could share.